When you own a septic system, there will be times that you need help with your septic system not during normal business hours. Unfortunately, it seems like things seem to go wrong at very inconvenient times, like on nights and weekends when septic companies are not usually working. Emergency septic services may be needed to help you get control of the problem and make sure that your septic system is working like it should. Some septic companies offer these emergency services to those that need them as a convenience to their customers.
Emergency septic services do not include problems that can wait to be taken care of. Minor problems should not be treated as an emergency. The best way to determine if you have an emergency on your hands is to call the emergency number for the septic company and talk to the professional to determine if you have an emergency or if it can wait for normal business hours. Emergencies usually consist of situations where people are exposed to hazardous waste, or if sewage is leaking into your home through the drains. This should be taken care of as soon as possible to prevent anyone from being exposed to sewage and getting sick.
If you think you need emergency septic services, contact us today at American Waste Septic. We offer emergency service to our customers that are in a true emergency. We have a number you can call to get in touch with us, and we will ask questions to determine if it is in fact an emergency.
Phone: 864-268-5814 | Serving the Greenville and Spartanburg area